
Roundtable was born from the passion and enthusiasm of a group of friends who decided to combine their skills in engineering, physics, economy and technology for a single goal: to guide, develop and apply the technological models of the blockchain to the sectors that most influence the quality of our daily life.

decentralization process

decentralization process

The technology behind the blockchain today will start and support a disintermediation and decentralization process which all areas of daily life can benefit: from security to finance, from health to sustainability, up to training and information.

artificial intelligence

The Roundtable paradigm uses artificial intelligence for predictive analysis and to increase objectivity and transparency in decision making. Roundtable supports e balances the activity of A.I. with new forms of digital economic cooperation because the sharing of skills ad transparency must remain at the center of the project.

Druid A.I.

Druid is the artificial intelligence that guides the choices of the DAO and advises on purchases and sales based on its predictive analysis. The process of forming the price of a financial asset is extremely complex, influenced by a myriad of factors, including a strong emotional component with collective implications. DRUID, through different algorithms and neural networks provide a complete horizon of informations on which to develop an investment strategy.
